In the development of its vocation as a centre of strategic thought production and training for security and defence issues, IDN organizes the "Security and Defence Intensive Course" (CISEDE) every year.
This course is intensive and aims to contribute to the awareness and training of leaders, senior and middle management of State structures and civil society, as well as of elements with potential to perform relevant functions in the future, able to intervene in matters related to national security and defence in a comprehensive and integrated sense. It is also intended that the course promotes an important career enhancement for the knowledge and information it provides, also promoting group spirit and contributing to a future better sectoral articulation among decision makers.
The first editions of the Course in the Autonomous Regions took place in the academic years 2009-2010 and 2010-2011, respectively in the Azores and Madeira.
To the auditors, the following is provided:
• Broad information and space for reflection and debate on national security and defence issues;
• Up-to-date contact with national and international realities;
• Exchange of ideas arising from the diversity of academic backgrounds and professional experience of participants.