Individual applications are formalized by completing the electronic form available on this website and submitting the following documents within the application period:
- Curriculum synthesis / Curriculum Vitae must be in Portuguese (maximum 1 A4 page);
- Copy of qualification certificate and/or copy of professional card;
- A passport photo, current and in colour.
Individual applications are considered by a Selection Committee appointed by the IDN Director.
Candidates will be informed about their admission to the course by email.
The IDN annually invites entities representing civil society within public communication to appoint auditors to attend the CSDJ. The invited entity makes the appointment of the holder of the institutional vacancy until the date set by the Director of the IDN, by written notification accompanied by the documents referred to for individual applications.
In the nomination process of the institutional vacancy holder, the institution must ensure that the nominee fulfils the general admission requirements to attend the CSDJ.
It is up to the IDN to confirm that the holder of the institutional vacancy meets the general requirements for admission to the CSDJ frequency and decides to refuse attendance to those who do not fulfil them.
Institutional vacancies not filled due to extemporaneousness or because they do not meet the general admission requirements may be served by individual applications or be replaced by other institutional appointments at the discretion of the IDN Director.
Applications will not be accepted if:
- They are not correctly instructed (ex: lack of documents or non-use of available digital forms);
- They do not meet the formal admission criteria, as defined in this notice of application opening.
The presentation of any required documentation after the stipulated deadline also determines the non-acceptance of the application.
All candidates will be informed about their admission to the course by email.