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Advanced Course on Cyber Diplomacy

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Formation23 of January of 2023

Between 17 and 19 January, the Advanced Course on Cyber ​​Diplomacy was held in Brussels, jointly organized by the Institute of National Defense and the Institut de Hautes Études de Défence National de France, within the framework and with the support of the European College of Security and Defense ( ESDC). 23 auditors from 11 countries and 2 European institutions (EEAS, ESDC), EUCAP Sahel Mali and EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia participated in this course.

Several national and international experts participated as lecturers over the three days of the course, whose contribution was essential for the success of this specialized training action, namely from the Academia Militar, Instituto Universitário Militar, Hybrid COE, University of Bath, University of Nothingham , European External Action Service (EEAS), General Staff of the European Union (EUMS), NATO, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and Permanent Representation of France to the EU.

The course ended with a Case Study – Simulation and the final conference given by the Portuguese Ambassador for Cyberdiplomacy, with a presentation on The Rule of Law and the Role of Government in the Provision of Security in the Cyberspace, an Update.​​​
